How to Add Google Analytics

How to set up Google Analytics in Pory for your site or portal to analyse data and understand your users better.

Samantha Wong

Written by Samantha Wong


In this article, we will learn how to set up Google Analytics on your site or portal using Google Analytics 4 [GA4]

With GA4, you can:

  • Collects both website and app data to better understand the customer journey
  • Uses event-based data instead of session-based
  • Includes privacy controls such as cookieless measurement, and behavioral and key event modeling
  • Predictive capabilities offer guidance without complex models
  • Direct integrations to media platforms help drive actions on your website or app

Create a Google Analytics Account

First, let's create an Analytics account.

  1. Go to Google Analytics
  2. Click on Start Measuring
  3. Enter an Account Name. This is used to name and organize how you track one or more properties.
Google Analytics
Google Analytics
  1. Enter a property name. This is used for grouping data from a site or portal.
Google Analytics
Google Analytics
  1. Enter your business details. This is too help Google understand your business.
Google Analytics
Google Analytics
  1. Choose your business objectives. This is for personalized reports for your business.
Google Analytics
Google Analytics
  1. Select Web for the platform.
Google Analytics
Google Analytics
  1. Set up a data stream by entering your website URL and stream name.
Google Analytics
Google Analytics

A data stream is a flow of data from a customer touchpoint (e.g., site, portal) to Analytics.

  1. Copy your Measurement ID
Google Analytics
Google Analytics

Setting Up Google Analytics

  1. Select a Portal
  2. Naviate to Settings
  3. Select Intgrations
  4. Paste your Measurement ID under the Google Analytics section
Google Analytics
Google Analytics

That's it! You have now set up Google Analytics and ready to start collecting data!

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