How to Structure Airtable Base

Best practices on how to structure your Airtable base for user management.

Samantha Wong

Written by Samantha Wong


Sign up for a Airtable account.


In this article, we will go over how to best structure your Users table so that your portal can support accounts and different types of listings with permissions.

Users table

The users table is used for storing account information when a user signs up to your portal. Records from this table can be used for things like:

  1. Creating a profile page
  2. Creating user listings (a listing that shows records that belong to the user only)
Users table
Users table
  • The Email field is used by your users to sign into their portal.
  • The Link to record field (Tickets) is used to determine which records from other table belongs to a user.
  • The rest of the fields are up to you and can be updated by your user via their profile page.

Users Profile

User information stored in the table can be edited by creating a profile form from the My Account page. To update the profile page:

  1. Select Account from the page selector
  2. Click on Edit Page from the editor
  3. Select fields under Aavailable Fields to create the form
  4. Click on Publish changes
Users profile
Users profile

User listings

User listings show records from other tables that belong to a user using the field type Link to record. To link records to users:

  1. Create a new field
  2. Select the field type Link to another record
  3. Create field
  4. Add lookup fields (optional)
Users profile
Users profile

The example Airtable base is for a customer support portal where users can create and manage their support tickets.

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