Adding a user listing
Learn how to create an Airtable listing that only shows records linked to your user
A user listing is useful when you want to display records related to an authenticated user. I.e. a user that has logged into their account.
For example, you may want to create a listing for your users to see their assigned tasks, which are stored in a separate table on Airtable. This guide will provide step-by-step instructions on how to achieve this.
- A portal with user accounts set up
- Integration with Airtable
User Listing
Let's create a listing that displays all the assigned tasks for an authenticated user by looking up the Task field from the user table.
Example Airtable table where the users are stored
Create a user listing
In the Editor, open the Add Block* popup and select a data listing layout
Fill out the type, base and table information for the listing
- Select type: Select An authenticated user
- Select Table: Which table should we display the records
- Select Field: The field that is linked to the user record
- Select Airtable View: This is optional if you want to display your records using a view instead
Select the fields to display in the Listing View
Switch to the Detailed View
Build out the view with blocks
Click on Save Changes once you're happy